AUTONOM TALENT® Consulting GmbH is an international, innovative consultation company and licenser in talent, stress and resource management.
With our holistic and scientific methods of evaluation, we specialise in the identification and development of human potential within businesses.
The AUTONOM TALENT®-3-Step-Method is based on a 24-hour measurement of heart rate variability and rests upon three principles – the measurement of potential, the development of talents and the preservation of performance. The objective data collected from the measurement is subjected to a spectral analysis and then portrayed as a graphic. This representation reflects the performance levels of an individual and also shows the distribution of three core talents (doing and reacting, thought and analysis, empathising and understanding).
These results will be given in a confidential one on one feedback discussion. The results form the basis of our recommendations on enhancing recovery potential, sleep quality and also in putting professional talents to use.
…are local consultation companies, trainers, counsellors, coaches and/or consultants. They use the AUTONOM TALENT®-3-Step-Method in order to broaden their own pre-existing product portfolios and maintain a good network of local connections.
- Ideally a local (management) consultation company
- Several years of experience in coaching, training and in business consultancy respectively (professional training, certificates etc.)
- Personnel development manager or HR manager with the willingness to build up their own business
- Experience with topics of personnel development (talent, performance, stress, resource management)
- Readiness to implement and build upon a new method within the region
Businesses that wish to extend their existing product portfolios will receive a license for the AUTONOM TALENT®-3-Step-Method with special conditions. The base starting packet includes an introduction to new markets at a fair entry-level cost:
- Custom entry-level opportunities
- Sustainable development opportunities in a strong, growing market
- Innovative and strong selling product portfolio
- Continuous further development of products such as the AUTONOM TALENT® app
- Competent network of partners and franchises
- Coordinated training sessions
A satisfied licensing partner is Neomentum AG, Zürich, CH
Mag. Andrea Ristl, Tel: +43 664 103 01 29
DI Thomas Gabriel
Esterhazypark Residence
Kollergerngasse 4/12
1060 Vienna, Austria
+43 1 974 19 56
+43 664 412 7000
Sa našom sveobuhvatnom i naučno proverenom metodom, specijalizovali smo se u oblasti identifikovanja i razvoja ljudskih potencijala u kompanijama.
AUTONOM TALENT metod se bazira na 3 osnovna principa: Merenje potencijala, Razvijanje talenata, Postizanje efikasnosti koja se bazira na 24 časovnom merenju srčane frekvence.
Analiziramo skrivene potencijale vaših zaposlenih, razvijamo planove kako bismo unapredili pojedinca i njeno/njegovo reagovanje na određene situacije i organizujemo različite programe i radionice kako bi se osigurao proces promena u kompaniji.
Mi obezbeđujemo visok nivo zalaganja, učinkovitosti i posvećenost zaposlenih na duži vremenski period i unapređujemo fleksibilnost u rešavanju sadašnjih i budućih izazova. Samim tim, produktivnost kompanije će biti održivo povećana.
Da li ste spremni za više snage, veći učinak i bolju radnu sredinu?
Kontaktirajte nas:
Maverik Consulting
Knez Mihaillova 33/II, 11000 Belgrade
Đorđe Maričić, vlasnik licence
+381 11 4125 704 or +381 66 628 3745
Advance International
Bulevar oslobodjenja 75, 11000 Belgrade
+ 381 11 3974 345
Dzięki naszej kompleksowej i naukowo potwierdzonej metodzie staliśmy się specjalistami w identyfikowaniu i rozwijaniu potencjału ludzkiego w firmach.
Metoda 3 kroków AUTONOM TALENT, opierająca się na filarach – Pomiar Potencjału, Rozwój Talentów, Utrzymanie Wydajności, bazuje na 24-godzinnym pomiarze zmienności rytmu serca (HRV).Analizujemy ukryty potencjał Twoich pracowników, opracowujemy koncepcje mające na celu poprawę sytuacji poszczególnych osób i całej organizacji, dostarczamy programy i warsztaty wspierające procesy zmian w firmie.
W ten sposób zapewniamy długoterminową, wysoką wydajność i zaangażowanie pracowników oraz wspieramy ich w lepszym radzeniu sobie z obecnymi
i przyszłymi wyzwaniami. Dzięki temu zwiększymy również trwale produktywność całej firmy.
Jesteś gotowy na większą energię, wydajność i jakość pracy w Twojej organizacji?
Skontaktuj się z nami:
ul. Pisankowa 26, 03-238 Warszawa
Malgorzata Kniaz
Managing Director
0048 226141936
0048 696820082
Špecializujeme sa na identifikáciu a rozvoj ľudského potenciálu v organizáciách prostredníctvom našej komplexnej a vedecky overenej metódy.
3-kroková metóda AUTONOM TALENT je postavená na troch základných princípoch: Merať potenciál, Rozvíjať talenty, Zabezpečiť výkon a je založená na 24-hodinovom meraní variability srdcovej frekvencie.
Analyzujeme skrytý potenciál vašich zamestnancov, pripravujeme plány na zlepšenie individuálnej a podnikateľskej situácie a poskytujeme rôzne programy a workshopy na podporu implementácie týchto plánov v organizácii.
Vieme tak zabezpečiť dlhodobo vysoký výkon a spoluúčasť zamestnancov a podporiť ich schopnosť zvládnuť súčasné a budúce výzvy. Produktivita vašej organizácie sa bude nepretržite zvyšovať.
Ste pripravení na nárast sily, výkonu a nové pracovné prostredie?
Kontaktujte nás:
TIMAN s.r.o.
Sabinovská 6, 821 02 Bratislava
Jana Olexová
Managing Partner
+421 903 256725
Οι ολοκληρωμένοι και επιστημονικά αξιολογημένη μέθοδος μας ειδικεύεται στην αναγνώριση και αναπτύξει ανθρώπινου δυναμικού σε εταιρίες.
Η μεθοδολογία AUTONOM TALENT βασίζεται σε τρεις αρχές – μετρά την προοπτική, ανάπτυξη ταλέντων και εγγυάται απόδοση και βασίζεται σε εικοσιτετράωρη επιμέτρηση τις διαφοροποιήσεως του καρδιακού ρυθμού.
Αναλύουμε τες δυνατότητες του ανθρώπινου δυναμικού, αναπτυσσόμεν σχεδιασμούς για να βελτιωθούν ατομικές και επιχειρησιακές κατάστασης, και παρέχουμε προγράμματα και εκπαίδευση για αλλαγή διαδικασιών στην εταιρία.
Έτσι εγγυούμαστε αποδώσει και δέσμευση του προσωπικού ,και αντοχές να διαχειριστούν τες προκλήσεις. Οι παραγωγικότητα θα αναπτυχθεί σημαντικά.
Είστε έτοιμοι για περισσότερη δύναμη , απόδοση και έναν νέο κόσμο εργασίας;
Επικοινωνήστε μαζί μας
ZaCon Limited
5 Fendericou Garcia Lorka Limassol
Dr. George Zachariades
Chief Executive Officer
00381 62221229, 00357 99474276
Biz, bilimsel olarak değerlendirilmiş yöntemlerle ve bütünsel olarak bir firmanın insan kaynağının potansiyelini belirlemek ve geliştirmek konusunda uzmanlaşmış bir kuruluşuz.
AUTONOM TALENT 3 adımda 3 temel prensibe dayalı olarak çalışır:
- Potansiyelin ölçülmesi
- Yeterliliklerin geliştirilmesi
- Performansın sürdürülmesi
Bu çalışmalar 24 saatlik HRV (Kalp Hızı Değişkenliği) ölçümlerine dayanır. Çalışmalarımızla takım arkadaşlarınızın gizli potansiyelini analiz eder, onların bireysel ve kurumsal kapasitelerini geliştirecek konseptleri ortaya koyar, çeşitli programlar ve çalıştaylarla firmanızda değişim sürecini yaşama geçiririz.
Böylece çalışanlarınız hali hazırdaki ve gelecekteki çalışmalarını profesyonel bir esneklik ve yüksek performansla sürdürürler. Firmanızın üretkenliği sürdürülebilir bir şekilde artar.
Daha fazla enerji, daha yüksek performans ve yeni bir çalışma ortamına hazır mısınız?
Bizimle temasa geçin.
Vital Fulya Plaza
Hakki Yeten Caddesi No 23 Kat:8
Fulya, Sisli, Istanbul
Dr. Serdar Savas
Medical & Scientific Advisor
M: 0090 5333315674, 0090 2122348464, 0090 2164555436
Dereboyu Cad. Bilim Sok. No: 5
Sun Plaza Kat 8
34398 Maslak, Istanbul
Andreas Vetr – Managing Partner
M: 0090 8505600607, 0090 5327937973
Arzu Demirel
Asim Us Sok No 16 D 12
Arzu Demirel – Profesyonel Koc, Egitmen
M: 0090 5323777176
Ferah Lök – Power of Happiness
Zeytinoglu Cad. Fenerli Hristo Sk
Cevre Sitesi 13/A
2YA TR-34335, Akatlar Istanbul
M: +90 (533) 764 13 64, +90 (549) 727 34 40
Mit unserer ganzheitlichen und wissenschaftlich evaluierten Methode spezialisierten wir uns auf die Identifikation und Entwicklung menschlichen Potenzials in Unternehmen.
Die AUTONOM TALENT®-3-Schritte-Methode beruht auf drei Grundsätzen – Potenzial messen, Talente entwickeln, Leistung sichern – und basiert auf einer 24-Stunden-Messung der Herzratenvariabilität.
Wir analysieren die verborgenen Potenziale Ihrer MitarbeiterInnen, entwickeln Konzepte zur Verbesserung der individuellen und unternehmerischen Situation und begleiten – mit verschiedenen Programmen und Workshops – diese Veränderungsprozesse im Unternehmen.
Damit sichern wir langfristig die Leistungsfähigkeit und –bereitschaft von MitarbeiterInnen und fördern die Resilienz, um aktuelle und zukünftige Herausforderungen zu meistern. Die Produktivität Ihres Unternehmens wird nachhaltig gesteigert.
Sind Sie bereit für mehr Energie, mehr Leistungsfähigkeit und eine neue Arbeitswelt?
Kontaktieren Sie:
TSR – Consulting
Christian Graf
Beethovenstrasse 12
19053 Schwerin
Tel 0385 550183
Fax 0385 5508632
Albert-Schweitzer-Ring 23
22045 Hamburg
Tel 040 334421 040
Mobil 0171 6267485
With our complete and scientifically evaluated method we have specialised in the identification and development of human potential in companies.
The AUTONOM TALENT 3 Step Method relies on three main principles – Measure Potential, Develop Talents, Ensure Performance and is based on a 24 hour measurement of the heart rate variability.
We analyse the hidden potential of your employees, develop concepts to improve the individual and entrepreneurial situation and provide different programs and workshops to ensure these change processes in the company.
Thus, we ensure long term high performance and commitment of employees and promote resilience to master current and future challenges. The productivity of the company will be increased sustainably.
Are you ready for more power, more performance and a new working environment?
Contact us:
Neomentum AG
Simon Raeber
Geschäftsführer, Psychologe FSP lic.phil., GKT Coach®
Mühlegasse 11
8001 Zürich
Telefon 0848 000 566
Susanna von Werra
lic. phil. Psychologin FSP
Landenbergstrasse 18
CH-8037 Zürich
+41 44 272 21 10
Dr. Hans-Rudolf Germann CMC
GMC Germann Management Consulting
Aryanastr. 17
CH-8704 Herrliberg/Zürich
+41 (0)44 915 12 15
With our complete and scientifically evaluated method we have specialised in the identification and development of human potential in companies.
The AUTONOM TALENT 3 Step Method relies on three main principles – Measure Potential, Develop Talents, Ensure Performance and is based on a 24 hour measurement of the heart rate variability.
We analyse the hidden potential of your employees, develop concepts to improve the individual and entrepreneurial situation and provide different programs and workshops to ensure these change processes in the company.
Thus, we ensure long term high performance and commitment of employees and promote resilience to master current and future challenges. The productivity of the company will be increased sustainably.
Are you ready for more power, more performance and a new working environment?
Contact us:
Erika Zechner
Suite 2.3, Wisma RKT
No. 2 Jalan Raja Abdullah
50300 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03-2612-6914
With our complete and scientifically evaluated method we have specialised in the identification and development of human potential in companies.
The AUTONOM TALENT 3 Step Method relies on three main principles – Measure Potential, Develop Talents, Ensure Performance and is based on a 24 hour measurement of the heart rate variability.
We analyse the hidden potential of your employees, develop concepts to improve the individual and entrepreneurial situation and provide different programs and workshops to ensure these change processes in the company.
Thus, we ensure long term high performance and commitment of employees and promote resilience to master current and future challenges. The productivity of the company will be increased sustainably.
Are you ready for more power, more performance and a new working environment?
Contact us:
CHR Partners d.o.o.
Beethovnova 6
SI-1000 Ljubljana
+386 1 44 425 43 92
With our complete and scientifically evaluated method we have specialised in the identification and development of human potential in companies.
The AUTONOM TALENT 3 Step Method relies on three main principles – Measure Potential, Develop Talents, Ensure Performance and is based on a 24 hour measurement of the heart rate variability.
We analyse the hidden potential of your employees, develop concepts to improve the individual and entrepreneurial situation and provide different programs and workshops to ensure these change processes in the company.
Thus, we ensure long term high performance and commitment of employees and promote resilience to master current and future challenges. The productivity of the company will be increased sustainably.
Are you ready for more power, more performance and a new working environment?
Contact us:
Cecile de Roos CMC MWO
Beerschoten 17
3452 LC Vleuten
+31 6 18 429 170

Listen to an interview with our partner in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Erika Zechner and Andrea Ristl, your contact partner for a licence partnership.
Become part of a growth market with our new innovative method.