“Nominated for the Austrian State Award – ‘Looking back and into the successful Project of Caritas Oberösterreich’ on 9th of February 2017
We will be presenting the winning project in the category Personal & Training, “More ease and joy in personal care, change in the ‘New working world” during a Business breakfast in the Caritas retirement home’s Schloss Hall.
The nominees and the holders of the State Award for consulting, business consulting and information technology were honoured by the Minister for Science, Research and Economy, Dr. Reinhold Mitterlehner and the chairman of the UBIT trade association A. Harl.
The Austrian State Award for Consulting is a visible sign of the quality of Austrian consulting and is awarded every two years. And this year, we were there! We cannot wait to hear from you about the project, and hereby invite you to our Business Breakfast.
- -Kfm. Ing. Johann Martin Schachner, ATOS Country Manager Austria, Member of the Jury will talk about his personal insights on the project during the presentation of the State Award to its holders.
- Maga. (FH) Andrea Anderlik, MSc, Managing Director of the Caritas Oberösterreich and Angelika Krallinger, BA, manager of the Schloß Hall retirement home talk about the project. The Caritas’ retirement home is treading some new paths to consistently relieve the psychological and physical strain on employees while maintaining their desire to perform. This was the genesis of the innovative AUTONOM TALENT® 3-Step Method (Measure, Develop, Ensure). Objective polling of heart rate variability shows the current state of the wearer and an app helps the employees consistently apply the exercises in their professional daily life after a personal consultation.
We will give you a better look at the programme, present it in further detail and elaborate on the success and its use for the participants of the program as well as the organisation. A guided tour through the Karl Borromäus senior citizen home and the day care for people with dementia gives the participants the possibility to further acquaint themselves with the possibilities for care, nursing and the activities in a retirement home.
Maga. (FH) Andrea Anderlik, MSc Managing Director of the Caritas for care and nursing
Angelika Krallinger, BA, Manager of the Schloss Hall retirement Home
Dipl-Kfm. Ing. Johann Martin Schachner, Country Manager Atos Austria, Central and Eastern Europe
After the presentation, you will have the possibility for further conversation and networking.
Thursday 9th of February 2017
8.30 – 10.30 AM
Karl Borromäus retirement home, Bethlehemstraße 56-58, 4020 Linz
The number of available spots is limited
Please register at nadine.sassmann@autonomtalent.com
Andrea Anderlik, Angelika Krallinger, Andrea Ristl and the AUTONOM TALENT®-Team will be happy to greet you personally!
The event itself is free of charge. If, for compliance reasons, you would not like to participate free of charge, there is the possibility of a voluntary donation. The approximate cost per participant is around 15.-. With a donation, you would be directly supporting the dementia ward of the Caritas home for the aged Karl Borromäus in Linz.
Please remember the statutory regulations in connection to this invitation (especially for officials)