Our 24-hour HRV-analysis shows your performance potential, your reover ability and your talent profil. With support of our Heart2Business-Coaches you define goals to course correct your daily routine, private and in business. Our 12 month program will motivate you to stick to your customized rituals and interventions.
Because your heart matters.
Innovative Consultation Solutions
Unique, immersive, wide reaching: Our method has a track record of success – this is what thousands of participants across the globe have confirmed to us. Our techniques have been scientifically assessed by the Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia. By combining mental and physical levels, therein lies a basis for holistic solutions and tailored intervention.
The Situation
Time and performance pressures have risen significantly within businesses over the past few years. Dealing with negative and positive stress counts as one of the biggest challenges to overcome and calls for new approaches to solutions.
Our Approach
Employees, who can identify and mitigate their causes of stress, utilize their resources in a more optimal manner, generate better levels of performance, are more motivated and are more balanced individuals. The risk of burnout is reduced and, in the long run, businesses avoid losing competent and experienced employees.
Our Method
We carry out individual assessments using a 24-hour “heart rate variability” measurement. The participants receive information about their stress and talent profiles in their personalised feedback. We discuss key stress indicators and recommendations together so that countermeasures can be taken by participants within their daily lives along with the help of personal actions and mediation. This takes place on an individual basis as well as/or on a company wide scale.
Talent and Performance Coaching
We focus our attention on bringing about a positive change in self-perception during stressful situations using individually tailored techniques. Obstructive beliefs or patterns of behaviour will be resolved. Personal skills, needed for a healthy balance of performance output and relaxation, will be enabled.
- Consideration of personal resources – also latent, neglected and underused resources.
- Recommendations for action and further consultation
Transference into the business
Anonymised individual results are used to bring about necessary changes within a business through stress and resource seminars. The cumulative group results help to identify a starting point from which to continue working from. The transformation process is supported by the newest findings in stress research combined with practical exercises and guidance.
- All data will be processed anonymously; no data will be given to third parties which could be traced back to any single individual or employee
- Cross section of all concerns and desired changes, such as managerial issues will be anonymous
- Stress-barometer for the business – early warning system
The Outcome
Quick identification of causes of stress as well as work carried out alongside experts, allows participants to reach their goals faster and more efficiently. Productive work combined with optimal potential for recovery allows for peak performance levels. The result:
- Conscious handling of stress within the organisation in order to prevent burnout
- Higher productivity, less downtime
The goal is to safeguard and enhance the physical and mental resources of the individual, this is pursued through methods of stress and resource management.
Our Approach
It is important to systematically identify, evaluate and use the leadership and performance potential of the current and future managerial team in the planning of new developments. Targeted investments made in talent-based development for the main players in a business is the key to success.
Our Method
Businesses can define which talents and skills are needed from employees for different positions. The development goals will be defined by the individual feedback and based on the 24 hour HRV measurement. The personal talent profiles will be transferred into an anonymised group talent portfolio and adapted to fit the needs of the business. The common strengths and fields of study help to form the basis of a customised academic and process architecture for the programme for the training of leadership skills.
As experienced trainers and coaches, we can guarantee consistency in the setup and implementation of customised programmes (“common threads”) as well as a combination of community and individualised learning (workshops, development partnerships with peers, individual coaching, project tasks with themes relevant to the everyday running of the business).
The Outcome
- Identification and development of employee potential in reference to the goals and needs of the company
- Discovery of who is best for which position (Job-Fit)
- Quick identification of key strengths (Key players)
- Quick adaptation to new competency and knowledge requirements
The development of a talent-based “culture of leadership”, bringing long term benefits along with it:
- Making the company appear more attractive, also for its key players
- Representatives of the “ideal culture” of the business to be committed and help shape the future of the company
- Long term commitment of talents to the company
- Rise in employer attractiveness
Our Approach
Forward facing businesses know, that taking measures to promote and improve health (psychological and physical) within the company can give a profound competitive edge to the business, because the most important resources a company possesses is its own employees.
Healthy businesses/healthy economies lead to healthy thinking, mental and physical hygiene leads to profound changes in thought as well as a trend towards higher levels of awareness.
Our Method
Lead.Healthily means meeting certain conditions to enable the preservation, restoration and enhancement of the psychological and physical performance ability of key players and employees (leader culture). Using objective measurements, we are able to raise the status quo. An analysis of the company’s needs, highlights the most desirable working conditions and in workshops we put ourselves to work for the company using appropriate methods of mediation in order to ensure that the Lead.Healthily initiative succeeds.
What you stand to gain
- Healthy working environment, in which, creativity and engagement is both allowed and encouraged
- Managerial team who understand their position as role models (leading themselves as well as others in a healthy manner)
Lead.Healthily is a state of mind! A mind-set favouring the self-awareness of interactions both internally and with the surrounding environment, as well as providing valued leadership that is both recognised and appreciated by employees.
Our Approach
The changing complexities and the speed of these changes in the global marketplace demands a lot from top managers, requiring high level intellectual abilities as well as highly intuitive and emotional levels of competency. Self-reflection on one’s own role as leader, leadership styles used and emotions can help to properly deal with the complex web of expectations from employees, customers and companies/proprietors.
Our Method
Our reflection-coaching is designed to function as a stepping stone to success for the participants and their respective companies. At the start of the process, the objective measurement taken serves as a mirror to personal tension and strenuous moments, and supports the participant by highlighting and helping to change negative patterns of behaviour and stressful situations:
- How do I act on the resources available to me? Where are my energy sources?
- What do I stand for? What is my main goal in life?
- What am I particularly good at? Which talents can I do without?
- What drives me forward?
- What benefits can I give to other people, businesses, or the world?
- The everyday isolation of the managerial team becomes disrupted
What you stand to gain
- A sense for your own influence and energy reserves
- An understanding of your own charisma
- A feel for how professional talents and the managerial style used, as well as how personal reputation and influence, can be enhanced
One job, which many feel, requires the art of focus combined with excellent reflection partners in order to succeed.
Aging means gaining experience and losing capacity. Utilizing the resources of both young and old employees should be approached with a high level of thought and consideration.
As experienced trainers and coaches, we can guarantee consistency in the setup and implementation of customised programmes (“common threads”) as well as a combination of community and individualised learning (workshops, development partnerships with peers, individual coaching, project tasks with themes relevant to the everyday running of the business).
Change management requires thorough thought and consideration on all levels.
As experienced trainers and coaches, we can guarantee consistency in the setup and implementation of customised programmes (“common threads”) as well as a combination of community and individualised learning (workshops, development partnerships with peers, individual coaching, project tasks with themes relevant to the everyday running of the business).
Lack of clarity in where responsibilities lie, regular interruptions of work flow, poor lighting conditions, noise disruption, and team conflicts, can, amongst other things, lead to psychological strain within the workplace.
The Employee-Safety Law (ASchG) requires that from 1st January 2013, all companies, alongside employees, are to survey, document, and resolve psychological strains within the workplace through standardised and normalised techniques (in accordance with ÖNORM EN ISO 10075).
- …selects appropriate, approved and cost effective techniques
- …carries out the evaluation
- …moderates the activity workshops
- …analyses and optimises the workflow through psychological and objective techniques
- …documents and supports the implementation of new measures
- …carries out an evaluation after approx. 3 years
The Outcome
- Efficient solutions by using a combination of workplace psychology and objective heart rate measurements from AUTONOM TALENT®
- Risk minimisation of downtime and replacement costs due to psychological strains within the workplace
- Higher productivity and levels of engagement
- Cost cutting due to reductions in absences and fluctuations
- The empowerment of employees and the company is brought about and sustainable stress and resource management is achieved thanks to the HRV analysis
- The inclusion of organisational targets and maintaining personal development measures leads to a sustainable change in behaviour on both individual and organisational levels
- Every single part of the programme is scientifically backed and is continuously being supported and evaluated by research studies
Your Advantages
- Objective determination of positions on physical and psychological performance, recovery abilities and areas of personal room for improvement
- Successfully identify and tackle individual causes of stress and high load situations (stress patterns) within the working environment
- Identify and optimally utilise sources of energy, performance potential and personal strengths in order to achieve the “flow state”
- A personalised development plan based on targets that can be implemented within everyday life in order to lead to quick and long lasting optimisation of performance and an enhanced sense of well-being.
Our approach – Your return on investment

We implement the project in manageable individual steps causing little timely effort for you and the participants.