We are

a leading biotech and consulting company and we strengthen your company’s heartbeat.

One team, one vision

The most rewarding moments in our day to day lives are those spent helping customers to reach their own personal and professional goals. High levels of vitality and productivity are the fruits of our labour. After we measure the performance and recovery potential of our clients and evaluate these on an individual basis, as well as on an organisational level, we can offer feedback combined with mediation. The fact that we can facilitate a positive change in the behaviour of individuals is what drives us forward. Our approach makes use of counsellors, coaches and personal developers, in order to successfully accompany people on (business based) projects of change.

Mag. Andrea Ristl


Dulleck, Ristl, Schaffner & Torgler (2011): Heart Rate Variability, the Autonomic Nervous System, and Neuroeconomic Experiments. Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics. Vol. 4, No. 2, 117-124.

Lanzerstorfer, Ristl & Weber (2012): Managemententwicklung bei BIS mit dem Programm “Nachhaltig leistungsfähig”. In: Niedermair (Hrsg.) (2012): Kompetenzen entwickeln, messen und bewerten, Schriftenreihe für Berufts- und Betriebspädagogik Band 6. ISBN: 978-3-85499-872-3.

Mag. Andrea Ristl

Owner and Managing Director

Dr. Heinz Zidek
Dr. Heinz Zidek

Management Trainer, Coach and Psychotherapist

Mag. Axel-Christian Dinse
Mag. Axel-Christian Dinse

Nutritionist, Nutrition Coach, Yoga Trainer

Sandra König
Sandra König

EDxTM Practitioner, Tai Chi- and Relaxation Trainer

Christel Lenz
Christel Lenz

Psychotherapist, Body therapist, Coach and Trainer

Matthias Ristl
Matthias Ristl

Data management and Project assistant

Mag. Annette Hkimi-Blaschke
Mag. Annette Hkimi-Blaschke


Dipl. Sozialpäd. Detlev Leuschner
Dipl. Sozialpäd. Detlev Leuschner

Communications Trainer and Health Coach

Dr. Gert Ahrer
Dr. Gert Ahrer

Coach, Trainer and Psychotherapist

Mag. Bruno Gangel
Mag. Bruno Gangel

Management- and Personnel Consultant, Communication Trainer

Prof. Uwe Dulleck
Prof. Uwe Dulleck

Professor, Business School, Economics and Finance, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane

Prof. Cameron Newton

Professor Business School, Management, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane

Dipl.-Päd. Norbert Faller
Dipl.-Päd. Norbert Faller

Breathing and movement pedagogue, Body therapist

Prim. Dr. Meinrad Lindschinger
Prim. Dr. Meinrad Lindschinger

Medical specialist in internal medicine and nutrition, founder of the nutrition philosophy Functional Eating®

MMag. Martina Scheiber
MMag. Martina Scheiber

Work Psychologist

Jennifer Gut, MA


Doris Redl
Doris Redl


Barbara Maria Posch, MA
Barbara Maria Posch, MA

AUTONOM TALENT®-Coach and Trainer

Mag. Agnes Moritz
Mag. Agnes Moritz

AUTONOM TALENT®-Coach and Trainer

Our Partners

Schiller AG

Fa. SCHILLER Trading Partnership m.b.H, headquartered in Linz, Austria, specialises in offering medical equipment in regards to cardiac, pulmonary and intensive medicine.

The products offered by Fa. SCHILLER Trading Partnership m.b.H give three key benefits: cost effectiveness, client specific solutions and ease of use.

Team Connex

Collaboration in Germany, carrying out physical evaluations within the workplace

NETURAL, Medical Technology Cluster

Factor of success: Cross sector collaboration

In cooperation with the Medical Technology cluster of the Upper Austrian business agency “Business Upper Austria”, the so called “diary app” was developed by AUTONOM TALENT® and Netural. This app helps to improve on physical and psychological performance potential, as well as the personal day to day satisfaction levels, of employees within the workplace.